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Borders are open and restrictions are being lifted leaving many people yearning to travel. As the temperatures drop in much of North America many people are ready to escape to warmer destinations. Of course, no one wants their vacation ruined by tummy troubles. NOVA Probiotics Ultra Strength and Travel probiotics are expressly formulated to help prevent you from getting sick while you are away.

It is recommended that you begin taking a daily probiotic at least two weeks before you expect to travel. This will assist in seeding the beneficial bacteria in your gut which will help enhance immune function and increase the likelihood of good health while travelling. While you are away be sure to continue with a daily probiotic for the entirety of your trip. NOVA probiotics do not require refrigeration making them easy to bring with you wherever you go. We suggest you continue taking probiotics in your daily life but at minimum you should take for at least two weeks after your return home.  By forming a protective barrier over the mucous lining of the intestinal tract probiotics can stop the entry of pathogenic bacteria that may try to enter your body through food or water.

Traveler’s diarrhea is a very common issue for travelers. It is easily spread from person to person as well as from eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water. A daily probiotic can help to handle acute infectious diarrhea. They also help to restore the balance after the symptoms dissipate.

Some travellers also experience bloating and constipation when they are travelling. Probiotics help prevent these uncomfortable digestive problems.

You are on holidays it is a time to relax and relish. For many people this will involve enjoying and sometimes over enjoying alcoholic drinks. It is a pity to have last night’s festivities ruin this morning’s plans. Probiotics can help you to avoid those awful hangovers. Alcohol does many things within the digestive tract. It increases the production of acid which aggravates the gut lining and can cause inflammation of the stomach and GI tract lining and potentially altering the gut flora. Some studies have concluded that people who drink alcohol habitually have decreased levels of good gut bacteria. Even just five short days of supplementing probiotics showed positive increases. Probiotics are also able to get elevated liver enzymes back to normal levels. If you have a healthy and balanced gut you are more likely to be able to handle overindulging once in a while and feel better faster. Probiotics actually assist in metabolizing alcohol. Also, by taking a probiotic before going to bed and again mid morning you can often lessen a hangover because certain strains of probiotics help to breakdown the toxic metabolites of alcohol breakdown and prevent them from accumulating.  Probiotics help to move acetaldehyde through your system more speedily. This is believed to be responsible for inflammation and other hangover symptoms.  Drinking plenty of water during the night out as well as before sleeping is also helpful as it minimizes the effect of dehydration. When you consume alcohol the yeast in your gut tends to increase and probiotics help to maintain the balance of bacteria and yeast.

While you are exploring a new country you may also want to partake in experimenting with new cuisines. NOVA probiotics pro-digest formula allows you to better enjoy your food without encountering stomach issues.

When you are travelling to new and exotic destinations your bodies will often encounter unknown or harmful bacteria. This can make you feel sick and cause you to experience unpleasant stomach cramps, bloating, constipation and traveler’s diarrhea. Drinking booze and eating foods that are more processed, fatty or sugary are all common when you are letting lose on holidays. However, all of these things can deplete the good bacteria in your gut. This makes replenishing the good bacteria with a probiotic extra important.


An active lifestyle contributes to your overall health. A strong, robust body allows you to achieve peak physical performance. When your body is your most valuable tool the importance of taking care of it increases.  A daily probiotic is the perfect addition to your training regime.

Anti inflammatory probiotic strains have shown they can help improve recovery from muscle damage caused by exercise. Athletes often want to build muscle. Proper diet and strength training are important but so are probiotics as they can aid in digestion and protein absorption. For an athlete’s body (or anyone’s body) to get the most out of the protein they eat it needs to be properly broken down. Then the small intestines are able to absorb it and put it to use within the body. Athletes may take in enormous quantities of protein at once. Probiotics also aid the body in producing digestive enzymes that digest proteins that might otherwise be difficult to break down and absorb. Therefore, if protein shakes, powders and bars are combined with probiotics the protein can be better absorbed and more beneficial to the athlete.  Probiotics can help the with the body’s absorption of vitamins and nutrients into the bloodstream. By absorbing the most nutritional value possible from food you are able to have more energy, improved recovery and increased stamina.   Probiotics also aid in turning food into hard working fuels making them a great way to maximize your workout.

Studies have shown evidence of the role of a healthy microbiome in althletic performance with elite runners having a greater abundance of Veillonella (part of the flora) that seems to confer a metabolic advantage for endurance exercise by converting exercise-induced lactate to propionate. A 13% increase in endurance performance was found in pre-clinical studies with Veillonella.

Athletes who have immune depression often find that it gets worse. This is because their lifestyles involve extravagant amounts of training, stress, interrupted or weird sleep schedules, and environment extremes. This can contribute to a greater risk of respiratory tract infections. Other factors which may impact some athletes include exposure to crowds, travel, and not being vigilant with their hygiene which may increase how much they are subjected to pathogens, thus also increasing infections. Since about 70% of the immune system is found in the gut probiotics can help to strengthen the immune system and help ward off infections. Probiotics have been shown to reduce the number of instances where athletes end up with upper respiratory tract infections as well as reducing the severity and duration.

Vigorous, prolonged exercise particularly in the heat can increase gut permeability which can possibly result in systemic toxemia. Certain strains of probiotics are able to better the integrity of athlete’s gut barrier function.

Physical assertion requires energy. Studies have found that probiotics can produce B vitamins which are integral to energy production. Probiotics are also beneficial in increasing the absorption of minerals like iron, copper, magnesium and manganese which are all important in the production of energy process. Also, by repairing your gut and minimizing inflammation using a daily probiotic you are able to boost your energy levels.

If you find that you are stressed a lot and then do high-intensity interval training repeatedly it does not allow time for the gut to relax. This can cause digestive issues. If you have GI issues add a daily probiotic and consider trying more restorative exercise such as Pilates and walking.

Whether you are training to go pro or just look and feel your best and have fun taking part in sports and physical activity probiotics can aid in optimizing health and performance. They are beneficial for recovery, immunity and decreasing inflammation.

Nova for Women

Life happens. Taking care of your body by eating well, working out, sleeping enough and eliminating stress can be hard. While those are all important one amazing and super easy  thing that you can do for your overall health is taking a daily probiotic. This is beneficial for both men and women but there are some extra special reasons why it can help women.

Nova probiotics have a formula designed just for females and their body’s needs. Whatever stage of life you are in whether trying to get pregnant, breastfeeding or going through menopause a daily probiotic can help you in your journey.

Staying well is certainly a hot topic these days and we know that at least 70 percent of the immune system can be discovered in the gut. Within your gut good bacteria work to maintain balance and aid with digestion and immunity. Your gut health is so important in your overall wellness affecting everything from your mood to your weight.

Many women have suffered with urinary tract infections (UTIs), yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. Very unpleasant right?

Women’s menstrual cycles, stress and being on antibiotics all contribute to changes in the vaginal flora. If this flora is not healthy it can escalate the chances of yeast infections, UTI’s and bacterial vaginosis. Studies have shown that a daily probiotic was more effective in preventing UTIs then a daily antibiotic and do not include possible negative side effects. By strengthening the health of you intestinal bacteria the concentrations in your vaginal bacterial can change. Certain probiotics can actually kill unhealthy vaginal bacterial species and quell the growth of known vaginal bacterial pathogens. Also, there can be an increase in the growth of healthy bacterial species through improvement in the acidity of the vagina which certain probiotics have demonstrated the ability to do. A microscopic yeast organism called Candida albicans is responsible for most yeast infections. While this is found in a healthy vagina it can create issues and possible cause uncomfortable systems if the yeast grows out of control. Factors that contribute to this unwanted growth include stress, changes in diet, hormones and illness. A daily probiotic can assist in keeping a balanced internal environment.

Both sexes can and do experience issues with their weight however women tend to struggle more. Why is this? One reason is that females often have more body fat and less muscle than men. Muscle mass contributes to the metabolic rate. Probiotics can help with managing and maintaining your weight in several ways. Obese people often have less diverse gut bacteria then their lean counterparts. Probiotics have been shown to decrease the calories absorbed and increase the nutrient break down. Probiotics can help you to feel full longer, burn more calories and store less fat. This is partly caused by increasing the levels of certain hormones like GLP-1. They also can reduce gut inflammation and boost metabolic function while limiting the fat storing hormone and nurturing regular bowel movements.

Looking great can help many women to feel their best. Since toxins that are stored in your gut can manifest and detox in unforeseen ways like through your skin maintaining a healthy gut can actually help with everything from acne to eczema. Many people do not realize that a lot of skin issues are actually a by-product of an unhealthy gut. Probiotics have also shown to help minimize scalp inflammation to help strengthen the hair follicles. This can minimize the amount of hair fall you experience and boost the growth of your hair giving you thicker, healthier locks. Every hair on your head is surrounded by nourishing blood vessels. Probiotics attack the bad pathogens that can cause disease and keep your blood healthy which keeps your hair nourished and can promote hair growth. By helping with the digestion and absorption of amino acids probiotics can also lead to shiner and more lustrous hair and stronger nails.

Having your period is one of the more unpleasant parts of being a lady. PMS which effects up to 75% of women is certainly one of the more undesirable aspects. PMS symptoms happen as a response to fluctuating estrogen and progesterone levels during menstruation. The changing of hormone levels not only influence fertility but also can impact the neurotransmitter levels in the brain which cause mood swings. Many women’s strong PMS symptoms are related to estrogen dominance within their systems. This is often directly linked to gut health.  Once the estrogen has completed its function in your body it travels to the lover to be broken down and flushed out in urine or stool.  The liver then passes these estrogen by-products on to your gut for excretions. This can be a smooth, easy process if your gut microbiome is healthy. Specific microbes called estrobolomes in the gut decide whether the estrogen will pass out as they should or will be recirculated within your body. An imbalance in estrobolome may mean that estrogen is not correctly eliminated and the larger amount circulating escalates the symptoms of PMS.

While not all women want to get pregnant for many it is one of their most monumental life moments. Conceiving can be a struggle for some women. There have been studies which indicated that having a good ratio of certain probiotic strains can help. If you are trying to get pregnant speak to your OBGYN about which probiotics may help you the most.

A daily probiotic offers several benefits during pregnancy. They help to keep the tummy healthy by supporting digestion and promote a strong immune system. It not only benefits the mom-to-be though but also the unborn child. This is because babies get their first good bacteria through their moms both while they are in the womb and when they travel through the birth canal. This helps to form their immune systems.

While you are breastfeeding probiotics serve to keep the mom healthier which changes the composition of the breast milk to make it better for the baby.

These days many women seem to be “doing it all” from excelling in their careers to maintaining full family commitments and social calendars. A daily probiotic can help increase your energy levels to help you keep up. They increase the absorption of minerals like iron, copper, magnesium and manganese which are all important for the production of energy. B vitamins are also essential for energy production and a healthy gut flora aids in producing extra B vitamins.

With everything happening in the world it can be hard to remain in good spirits and depression and anxiety seems to plague so many. A daily probiotic can help elevate your mood. 90% of serotonin is made in your digestive tract.  Since the gut-brain connection is so strong anxiety and stomach problems are often linked. The gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to emotions and can show signs in your stomach. If your gut is not happy and healthy it sends signals to your brain therefore triggering stress and depression.

Of course there are things about getting older that let’s be honest suck. Many women find menopause devastating. Remember getting older is a privilege not everyone gets. 52 is the average age for a woman to start to experience menopause. During menopause the body produces less estrogen and that affects different systems including the microbiome. By maintaining a healthy gut with healthy bacteria all functions can perform better. This includes digestion and internalizing the right ingredients and nutrients. An unhealthy gut can show symptoms like inflammation, irritable bowel, diarrhea and constipation. Daily probiotics can help with abdominal bloating and weight gain caused by menopause. Gut microbiota is known to control levels of oestrogen an important hormone which decrease in production during menopause. This hormone also influences the composition of microbiota in the gut. A shortage of oestrogen causes the relationship between the gut microbiota and oestrogen to be restructured. Therefore, managing the microbiome is especially essential during menopause. Women in menopause are at increased risk of osteoporosis and studies have shown that probiotics can help increase lumbar bone mineral density. Certain strains of probiotics have also demonstrated their effectiveness in assisting women in managing menopause symptoms like fatigue, vaginal dryness and nervousness.  For women over 50 a daily probiotic can have drastic positive results.

Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for women around the world. The good news is that studies have indicated that Lactobacillus acidophilus and L reueri both of which are in Nova Feminine probiotics can reach the mammary glands and anti cancer effects. During mastectomy or breast-conserving surgery probiotics can play a part in the therapy of postsurgical infections. The breast microbiome may impact cancer susceptibility and recurrence and commensal bacteria could effect the response to therapy by modulating the tumor microenvironment.

Women are awesome and their bodies deserve to be celebrated and nurtured. A daily probiotic is an extra boost in helping you to live your best life.


Anyone who suffers with allergies knows they are so annoying. An increasing amount of people are developing allergies such as gluten/dairy intolerance, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and it has been suggested that lack of exposure to good bacteria may be a factor. Bacteria in your gut contributes to your immune system and help teach your body how to react to sickness and foreign substances. A daily multi strain probiotic is recommended to balance the good bacteria in your gut, which will produce a more robust immune response to common allergens (seasonal allergies, rhinitis, gluten, lactose intolerance)

Runny nose and sneezing are common reactions to allergic rhinitis which is caused by dust, pollen, mold spores, pet fur and other allergens in the air. The runny noses and sneezing are your body’s immune response to foreign substances. It is often doable to change and reduce the severity of these symptoms and experts believe that using probiotics can help.

Some strains of probiotics seem to change the balance of antibodies which can be extra useful for those whose allergy symptoms are provoked in the summer by pollen or from common dietary allergens that necessitate a specialized diet (Vegan, gluten free, dairy free, lactose free & Soy free)

Allergy symptoms and digestive symptoms are commonly interwoven because of histamine. Histamine is released when a foreign substance like pollen or dust or possible threat is recognized as entering the body. In response to the detection of a foreign substance mast cells release histamine to let your body know it needs to respond. Then, because of the histamine release surrounding blood vessels dilate, which increases the white blood cells and blood plasma proteins in that region. The antigens from the foreign substance and the antibodies from immune system proteins bond. Sometimes severe allergy symptoms are a result of your immune system overreacting to the perceived threat. This can be for many reasons but with seasonal allergies it is often due to the fact that your body is unable to keep up with the number of perceived threats invading your system. People who have seasonal allergies have greater than normal levels of histamine. Most often these heightened levels of histamine stem from a digestive disorder or a digestive microbial imbalance. When histamine and deficient gut health are mixed they can cause worsened allergy symptoms and digestive problems like bloating and cramping. Lowering your histamine levels and restoring your microbiome help immensely with allergy symptoms. Some strains of probiotics seem to change the balance of antibodies which can be extra useful for those whose allergy symptoms are provoked in the summer by pollen.

The past couple of years have shone a spotlight on the importance of good hygiene and sanitization to eliminate bad bacteria however, the problem in that sometimes the good bacteria ends up also being killed in the process. Studies have indicated that kids who grow up in sterile environments have a greater chance of developing allergies, asthma, and other problems associated with immunity later in their lives. When children do not have strong gut flora they miss out on a lot of crucial diversity that would allow their bodies to handle foreign but harmless substances such as pollen. NOVA probiotics offer a special line just for kids to help them build a strong gut.  

Certain strains have probiotics have demonstrated the ability to regulate T-cells in the body which can assist in producing a more powerful immune response to common allergens.

Probiotics also help make you gut wall stronger which prevents pathogens and allergens from seeping through and causing problems for your immune system.

It has been found that people who have allergic rhinitis symptoms have a better quality of life when taking a daily probiotic and may experience fewer episodes each year.


Staying well has always been important but the pandemic heightened our awareness of the benefits to a strong immune system. Now is the time to boost your immunity as cold and flu season begins with COVID still lingering. An ever expanding number of studies have found that the balance or imbalance of bacteria in your gut are directly linked to overall health and disease. More than half of the cells that make antibodies used in combating sickness are found in your intestines and other organs in your gut. They work to protect against pathogens, toxins and stress. Immune systems are a network of many parts that contain proteins, cells, tissues and organs that are found throughout your body. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria which aid in your body’s ability to digest food, fight the cells that cause diseases and boost your immune system. By ensuring that you have a strong, healthy gut with a proper balance of good bacteria and other organisms in your intestines you are able to reduce your chances of getting sick. 

Even people with robust immune systems will sometimes have health issues. Often a doctor will offer antibiotics. While it is amazing that these medicines are frequently able to fix the issue they often wipe out the good bacteria and are associated with unpleasant side effects. One common side effect is diarrhea which happens as a result of the balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut being negatively affected. Probiotics not only help to prevent diarrhea but also to minimize the severity.

As people age the diversity and amount of bacterial species in the gut is often reduced. Age can also play a role in weakening your immune system as can antibiotics that you may require to manage other health issues. By using probiotics to help improve your body’s immune response it will be easier to fight off certain infections including the common cold. Probiotics are also useful in reducing the impact should you end up with something like a cold.  Many factors in our daily lives and environment including pollution, stress, prescriptions, sugar and food additives in your diet, tap water (chlorine and fluoride), alcohol, tobacco, and poor sleep can affect the colonies of beneficial bacteria in your gut at a much quicker pace than your body is able to replace them without the aid of a probiotic. The health of your gut affects way more than just your tummy and actually impacts your blood sugar, brain health and heart health.  Various studies have indicated that there is a link between changes in the gut microbiome and several serious illnesses including dementia, Parkinson’s, Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease. By incorporating a daily probiotic you can help make sure that your gut has plenty of good bacteria to help lower your chances of becoming unwell and even can help to lower your cholesterol.

People of all ages can bolster their immune systems with a daily probiotic. Studies have found that children who take probiotics saw less incidence of flu-like sickness and well as reduced lengths of times their experience symptoms. Luckily, NOVA has you covered with a formula specially for your little ones. It comes in a powder formula making it easy to add to smoothies, oatmeal etc.

Candida is a fungus which can cause yeast inflections or oral thrush. Candida can be found living in your mouth normally but if too much builds up it can cause you to experience unpleasant white tongue. Probiotic bacteria is able to inhibit the adhesion of unwanted microbes and impact immune responses as well as oral microbiota.

Vitamin C is well established to be a great way to strengthen your immune system and is hailed as helping to prevent colds and flus and lowering blood pressure. By combining you vitamin C intake with a daily probiotic you can improve your bodies nutrient absorption.

Buddha has been quoted as saying “To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” Many factors contribute to overall wellness but certainly your immune system is an essential component which can greatly benefit from a daily probiotic.


Charles Dickens was quoted as saying “What greater gift than the love of a cat”. Certainly, it is one of life’s purest joys. Good health is a gift most every living thing needs and you have the privilege and responsibility of helping to give it to your cat. Since 70% of your cat’s immune system is found in their gut keeping it healthy with a daily probiotic contributes widely to your cat’s overall wellness.

A daily probiotic helps to decrease the PH in your cat’s gut and promotes the good bacteria to thrive. This benefits their overall digestive health. This good digestion assists them in building and repairing tissues and obtaining energy.

If you decide to change up your cat’s diet it is usually a good idea to do so gradually. To further prevent stomach issues during the transition be sure to sprinkle a daily probiotic on their food. This also aids in their ability to break down food and improves the assimilation of nutrients and vitamins. Kibble is not a food that is found in the wild. It is not the natural food of felines. Though there are many wonderful brands on the market some commercial cat food may contribute to the development of inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. Any breed can develop IBD but some breeds like Siamese cats may be more genetically predisposed to it. Adding probiotics can help manage IBD and are frequently part of IBD treatment plans. Depending on the cat and the severity of their symptoms certain diets, medications and vitamin injections may also be suggested by their vet.

Cats that suffer with diarrhea usually have altered fecal microbiome making it crucial that new, good bacteria is introduced into their guts. A stable and robust intestinal flora can help ensure that your cat can resist infections, reduce toxins and even minimize the smell of urine in feces in cat making your litterbox situation more ideal.

Hairballs are a hairy situation not fun for any cat or their humans. Sometimes hairballs are indictive of an unhealthy digestive tract. Promoting healthy digestion can ensure that your cat can pass hair before it develops into a hairball.

We have all heard the term “scaredy cat”. Some cats may seem nervous and jumpy. A daily probiotic is helpful in managing their anxiety. It is especially important to make sure they have had daily probiotics leading up to a potentially stressful event or situation.

Cats are wise, curious, intuitive, clean, sweet, lovely little creatures. Their guts play a large role in their overall well being and a daily probiotic is an easy way you can keep them at their best.


It has been said that dogs are man’s best friend, and that the world would be a nicer place if everyone could love as unconditionally as a dog. Certainly, the bond between you and your dog is special. Your dog relies on you to make choices for them to allow them to lead their healthiest and happiest lives.

Many factors contribute to your dog’s overall health but adding a yummy tasting daily probiotic from NovAnimal is a simple step to boost their immune system and contribute to a healthier, more content pooch. Probiotics are live microorganisms that help maintain healthy levels of good bacteria in the gut and at the same time ward off some of the bad bacteria. By ensuring that they have a strong intestinal flora you can help them avoid infections, prevent diarrhea and flatulence. 70 percent of a dog’s immune system is in their gut meaning that probiotics play a strong role in keeping them well.

Any human who suffers from allergies knows it is awful but did you know that dogs can also have allergies? Since probiotics increase the good bacteria in your dog’s gut they help in developing an immunity against allergens. Many antibiotics prescribed for dogs with allergies only offer short term relief. Probiotics can be a more long term solution. Yeast infections are one of the most common reasons people bring their dogs to the vet. Often, they are given corticosteroids but the side effects of those can be quite unpleasant including breathing problems, fluid retention, hair loss and behavioral problems. Probiotics are a safe and effective treatment for yeast infections and do not include the negative side effects.

You might think that brushing and grooming are the best ways to ensure a shiny coat and while these can help a dry or lack lustre coat can be related to the GI tract and the intestinal tract. By ensuring your dog has a healthy gut you can also help them have a luxurious coat. Another problem which many people may assume is cosmetic is tear staining. Often when a dog with light fur has bronze discoloration on the hair beneath their eyes it is called tear staining and is often actually more than a cosmetic issue and, thus, probiotics can be useful in preventing it.

If your dog jumps, paces, spins or is excessively vocal it may be because they are anxious. Probiotics can help them to stay calm and when they do encounter stressful situations it can help them to maintain positive cardiac activity.  How your dog feels will affect their mood and energy levels. If they seem sluggish, dull and not as energetic as usual it may be due to stomach and digestive issues. If you know your dog is going to have a taxing situation like boarding, vacation or moving it is a good idea to make sure they have plenty of probiotics leading up to it to ensure they do not get colitis, diarrhea or suffer from other stress related problems.

If you are considering a change in your dog’s diet it is usually best to do so gradually. Regardless, sometimes your dog may get an upset tummy from the switch. By prepping their gut with probiotics first you minimize the changes of gastrointestinal distress and can help ease the transition. Also, by ensuring that your dog has plenty of good bacteria in the microbiome it aids in absorption of nutrients from their food. Daily probiotics also helps them to produce fatty acids which assist in preventing the growth and activity of harmful bacteria like Salmonella and E. Coli.

Since dogs are often not super keen on having their teeth brushed many end up with bad breath, plaque, tooth decay and oral diseases. Probiotics suppress the growth of anaerobic bacteria reducing the chances of them suffering with oral diseases.

Dogs are constant companions who are always happy to see you and ready to offer you love. Keeping their gut healthy will help minimize illness and allow for many wonderful adventures together.


Kittens are irresistible. These little balls of fur are full of energy and astoundingly agile and able to get into everything. They are also warm little snuggle buddies happy to cuddle and purr in your lap.  These tiny creatures are in a very crucial maturing stage and a daily probiotic can be very helpful to their growth and development. It is also a time in their lives when an imbalance of bad bacteria in the gut flora can be extra taxing on their little systems adding to the importance of a daily probiotic. In fact, averting gut disorders in your cat is one of the best ways to ensure that they lead healthy and happy lives. A daily probiotic will help strengthen their immune systems and facilitate long-term wellness.

Cats are known to be a bit finicky about their food. Most cats love the great tasting probiotics by NOVAnimal since they were voted the best tasting probiotics in the world. By introducing them during your feline’s kitten years they will develop a taste for them early on and they will be part of their feeding habit. Cats tend to like routine. In addition to awesome flavor NOVAnimal even comes with a perfect little scoop to indicate how much to sprinkle on their food and make adding a daily probiotic into your feeding ritual seamless.

NOVAnimal growth formula was specially created to meet your kitten’s needs. It is a pre and probiotic formula. It provides their delicate little systems with good bacteria and assists with controlling yeast.

When your cat has change in environment, a new member is introduced to the family (human or  animal), and boarding they can all be known as mild stresses. These mild stresses can lead to an intestinal imbalance in your feline’s gut. Kittens are more susceptible than adult cats to imbalances and antibiotics are also known to disrupt the balance. A daily probiotic is a great way to proactively help ensure your kitten has a healthy digestive tract and boost their overall sense of well-being.

Kittens are born without gut bacteria which leads them to be prone to digestive issues and diarrhea. A probiotic helps ensure that their systems are filled with good bacteria. Since kittens do not start their lives with a microbiome they begin to build one immediately after birth. They get microbes from their moms, people in their lives and their environments. It can be built from everything they come in contact with from toys to food and, hopefully, probiotics.

 Probiotics help kitten’s digestion and prevent digestive issues and lessen symptoms including vomiting, irritated tummies, constipation and  diarrhea. If you observe that your kitten’s feces changes or is abnormal a daily probiotic can often fix this too. Positive digestion is integral for your kitten to build and repair tissues and to achieve high energy levels.

By promoting a healthy gut probiotics can boost your kittens immune system and help to prevent parasitic infections. Roundworms are quite prevalent in kittens and they can become infected from their mom’s milk. Usually, vets will suggest deworming kittens. This is an essential time for probiotics. It is not super common but in some cases when a kitten is being dewormed the side effects can be upset stomachs including vomiting and diarrhea.

Many cat parents opt to have their kittens spay or neutered. The NOVAnimaL veterinarian line is ideal to help ensure a pleasant and through recovery from surgery.

 Watching your small kitten grow up is truly remarkable and adding a daily probiotic is one step you can take to prepare them for a long, healthy, contented life.


So, you have a new puppy? That squirmy little ball of warm joy brings so much love and happiness to your life right? Of course you want to provide them with the best start to ensure a long, healthy, happy life.  This is an important growth and development stage for your dog and NovAnimal has a special growth formulation. During this formative stage an imbalance of bad bacteria in the gut flora can be particularly tough on their delicate systems.  

NovAnimal probiotics taste great because they are mixed with natural plum powder and can be added to your puppy’s food. It is so delicious that it was actually voted the best tasting probiotic supplement in the world!  This is a great time to begin building positive habits for both you and them so adding a daily probiotic into your routine is a great start. A daily probiotic supports your puppy’s intestinal flora during food transition and also helps with the assimilation of vitamins and nutrients.

New puppies often have roundworms and hookworms. They can either be passed in utero or through their mom’s milk. Probiotics can help to prevent worms because they boost their immune systems to help them fight off worms and assist in getting rid of parasites by helping their digestive systems.

In addition to supporting a strong immune system when you give your puppy a daily probiotic it helps to develop a balance of intestinal bacteria and reduce the incidence of diarrhea, constipation and digestive tract infections. Some puppies will be prone to diarrhea after training classes or trips to the vet. Making sure they get their probiotics prior to these stressful events can help. Changes in environment, boarding and other stressful situations can lead to an imbalance in your puppy’s intestinal health. Puppies are extra susceptible to these imbalances. Probiotics are often very helpful with these bouts of digestive upset.

Many people opt to have their young dogs spay or neutered. NovAnimal has a special formula available through vets to help your puppy recover from surgery. A strong probiotic immediately following surgery can help curtail unpleasant side effects including vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite. Probiotics also replenish the good bacteria in their gut after antibiotics.  You will likely also be giving your young dog some shots. Studies have indicated that dogs who were given probiotics had a stronger immune response to the distemper vaccine.

 Likely you are working on training your new puppy and probiotics can actually help their brains to function better which will aid in training them.  Studies have shown that the day to day behaviour of dogs who take daily probiotics was improved. Most dogs who are probiotic treated  experience reduced anxiety and bark, jump and pace less.

Having a puppy is a wonderful time and the start to a life long devoted friendship. Giving them a daily probiotic is a vital step in ensuring their growth into a healthy, happy dog.

Senior Cats

The amazing thing about senior cats is they are old enough not to want to claw their way to the top of your curtains but young enough to happily climb into your lap. Senior cats are excellent company. Treasure the time with them as sadly they will eventually be only a memory you are left yearning for. Senior cats, like elderly humans, often require a little extra care to combat the issues that arise with age. NOVAnimal has a special advanced age formula specially made to accommodate the unique needs of older cats.

Probiotics help your cat to digest their food and strengthen their immune system. This leaves them better able to fight off viruses and illnesses since an out of balance digestive tract can compromise your cat’s immunity.  They also provide a natural defense system by attacking the bad bacteria. Not having robust intestinal and digestive health is the main source of health issues and degenerative disease in cats.  Cats are often good at controlling their intake of food and, in their younger years, tend to be quite active. Therefore,  many cats are lean and as they age they may become quite frail and thin and have trouble keeping weight on. Sometimes, this is due to an underlying medical issue but if they are otherwise in good health it can be because they have an imbalanced microbiome and are not getting what they require from their food. A daily probiotic can help restore the balance and enhance the assimilation of vitamins and nutrients.

Probiotics are an excellent way to prevent uncomfortable constipation in your older feline by boasting their intestinal function.

If your cat is sick the vet may put them on antibiotics. Luckily these are often able to offer many benefits and help with whatever issue they are having. The downside though is that while they are wiping out the bad bacteria many antibiotics will also wipe out the good bacteria too. Probiotics can help to repopulate the good bacteria that was demolished by the antibiotics. Your vet can guide you on giving your cat probiotics during antibiotic treatment. Often, you can give probiotics to your cat a few hours before or after administering their medications. If your cat is regularly on prescriptions or if they require surgery, you may even want to inquire with your vet about the NOVAnimal veterinarian line. The Antibio and Digestion formula is especially created to help with your cats digestive and intestinal health while they are using antibiotics.

Although your cat may not be able to speak up and tell you how they feel monitoring them will often allow you to determine potential problems. Adding a daily probiotic will help minimize incidents. If your cat is struggling with a digestive disorder they will often have symptoms such as soft stools, diarrhea, vomiting, change in appetite, flatulence, blood or mucus in the feces, weight loss and constipation. In older cats diarrhea, flatulence and bloating are both unpleasant and, in some cases, even fatal. Adding a daily probiotic often relieves them. It is also a great way to help with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Even if cats did not suffer with IBD when they were younger they may develop it as seniors. Runny poop and bad breath are common problems with elderly cats which are both issues best handled through their guts.

Kidney disease plagues many senior cats. This is often manageable and cats can still have many more good years. Some studies have indicated that cats with chronic kidney disease can have an improved quality of life and can potentially reduce blood urea nitrogen and creatine.

Cats notoriously love sleeping and being comfortable. This is especially true as they get older. Any cat lover knows that they have contributed so much to your quality of life just by being a part of it. It is extra essential that you ensure they well loved, content and healthy as they age.

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